Laga Industries Limited

Our People: Alu Goa

Laga Industries Alu-Goa

Alu Goa is the Distribution Manager at Laga Industries Lae Warehouse. He has been with the company for 16 years after starting with the company in May 2005.

He began his career with with the company as an Inventory Supervisor. Within that role he managed predominantly product or stock.  His current role involves managing employees, shipping, freight and personnel operating within the warehouse environment. Alu’s role requires a lot of planning to determine when the products are distributed, where it is sent and what volume is to be distributed utilizing various tools at his disposal to run operations as efficiently as possible.

As a requisite in his work, Alu is very mindful of staff safety. As a goal, his team looks at keeping injuries as infrequent as possible, which leads to happier employees, greater productivity, and all-round operational improvement.

When appointed Distribution Manager, Alu was humbled and saw this as an opportunity to learn and grow. Since taking on the new role, he has experienced his personal development and leadership mature immensely. 

When asked what he enjoys the most about Laga Industries Alu said “I love my job because everyone shares the same vision, values and is dedicated to the mission and aims to be Papua New Guinea’s leading producer of food and beverages; to make products that are trusted, affordable, and nutritious that feed the people of our country; to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees and a profitable growing business for our shareholders”.

Alu wants to give back to the company through helping and sharing his knowledge and 16 years worth of experience to his fellow colleagues. He thanks the company and everyone he has worked with for the support, guidance and sharing of knowledge towards his growth and continued development.

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